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Battling covid 19 with humor. Singapore s what you should do this covid 19 outbreak in singapore content creators are using humorous skits in order to slow the spread of covid 19. Coronavirus song we didn t spread the virus billy joel parody 2020 covid 19 duration. And brings some humour into a time when we need to stay. Is it still too soon for covid 19 jokes the global death toll from the virus has reached 41 000 and has now slid beyond 100 in canada but a fair amount of time has passed since it all began mark.

Alors que le monde connait des mesures de plus en plus restrictives pour stopper la propagation du virus les plaisanteries vont de bon train pour tenter de dédramatiser cette pénible crise. Song parodies spread awareness humour during covid 19 crisis. The top 10 coronavirus song parodies. There is of course nothing funny about covid 19 which has killed thousands of people around the world or the impact it has had on the lives of the global population and economy. Youtube prairie joe.

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