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Non Euclidean Geometry Meme

As euclidean geometry lies at the intersection of metric geometry and affine geometry non euclidean geometry arises when either the metric requirement is relaxed or the parallel postulate is replaced with an alternative one. For hundreds of years euclid s geometry disappeared with the fall of the roman empire.

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Spherical geometry which is sort of plane geometry warped onto the surface of a sphere is one example of a non euclidean geometry. For example suppose you want to measure the shortest distance between points on the. Portal custom maps can really f ck with your mind using non euclidean geometry check source if interested featured 3 years ago. In the early 19th century people started to wonder if the fifth postulate couldn t be proven at all meaning that it could be right but it could also be wrong. But in constantinople islamic mathematicians including al khwarizmi.

Hence there are no parallel lines on the surface of a sphere. Although euclidean geometry is useful in many fields in some cases non euclidean geometry may be more useful. Non euclidean geometry literally any geometry that is not the same as euclidean geometry. In non euclidean geometries the fifth postulate is replaced with one of its negations. Updated daily for more funny memes check our homepage.

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