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Humour Poulet De Bresse

Un peu plus tard on lui amène un poulet entier rôti. Trouvez la perfection en matière de photos et images d actualité de poulet de bresse sur getty images.

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Poulet de bresse to be exact. Poulet de bresse to be exact. C est un poulet des landes. Ce n est pas un poulet de bresse. And like all good things from france this natural beauty has its own appellation d origine controlee or guaranteed appellation of origin aoc.

It may be produced only from white chickens of the bresse breed raised within a legally defined area of the historic region and former province of bresse in eastern france. Poulet de bresse is a breed of chicken originating from the bresse area of the rhône alpes region of france the birds are highly valued for their gamey depth of flavour yet with fine tender flesh and delicious clean flowing fat. First granted in 1957 it was the only aoc given to a chicken anywhere in the world the bresse aoc. And like all good things from france this natural beauty has its own appellation d origine controlee or guaranteed appellation of origin aoc. Un peu plus tard le garçon lui amène un autre poulet rôti.

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