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Dark Humor Nurses

Sometimes people characterize dark humor as a coping mechanism used to relieve the pent up stresses and emotions of the work some of which is clearly a product of a dysfunctional system. Whatever there are people and im related to some.

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It really is ironic how we all see everything about a patient and then talk about privacy. Dark humor seems to help the most or perhaps its just that im hopelessly warped after thirty odd years of nursing. Coping with cancer is a lot like coping with nursing or life even humor helps as does actively seeking the silver lining. But it also gives a nod to the amazing work of nurse practitioners. Another really funny joke about a doctor s handwriting.

There is no doubt that dark humor can serve this purpose but i don t think all dark humor needs a psychiatric diagnosis. An experienced nurse makes graduate nurses run to codes. Above all it is a way for nurses who are overworked and underappreciated to locate hope amid hardship which is exactly what we need them to do. Humour can enhance health promotion among nurses and the quality 4 of patient care 4. It is also considered a patient care strategy 5.

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