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Balance Justice Humour

23 july 1985 to an individual believer 8 the house of justice suggests that you may wish to review the use of humour in your news reports to ensure that the appearance of insensitivity may not be conveyed inadvertently in a report. And again that night he hears the same strange noise that he heard years earlier.

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Justice includes the notion of upholding the law as in the work of police judges and the court. The glory of justice and the majesty of law are created not just by the constitution nor by the courts nor by the officers of the law nor by the lawyers but by the men and women who constitute our society who are the protectors of the law as they are themselves protected by the law. Humour too as you say is an essential element in preserving a proper balance in this life and in our comprehension of reality. Some years later the same man again breaks down in front of the same marine corps base. 1 justice keith mason judicial humour law graduation address speech delivered at the university of sydney 20 may 2005.

The next morning he asks what it was. Water balance tool red. Justice is in fact the glue that holds societies together. Again the marines accept him enthusiastically fix his car and allow him to stay in the vip quarters. Behind the concept of justice lies the notion of balance that people get what is right fair and appropriate.

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